This is an easy woodworking project that only takes one board. That is what a bluebird house is. A simple plan is provided and step by step instructions are given so you can make your very own bluebird house.
Bluebird House Project
Bluebirds are that quick flash of blue that you catch out of the corner of your eye as you are walking through a field in the spring. They are fun to watch and nice to have around on the farm. We had one bluebird house up in our pasture. Every spring we would see both bluebirds and tree swallows checking out the real estate. I guess the tree swallows came up with the better offer as they have always occupied the house.
So more bluebird houses were on order and this spring I completed the request. We now have three bluebird houses in the pasture and a birdhouse for a chickadee or nuthatch up by my house. You can easily modify the dimensions of the birdhouse to suit different bird species. I did the bluebird house and wrote it up for Joybilee Farm.
This project is basic woodworking and only requires a single board (1” x 6” x 4’) in order to build the birdhouse. I used a table saw and other hand tools to make the houses. There are lots of different ways to prepare the pieces so check out the project even if you don’t have a table saw. Do be careful and follow safe woodworking techniques.
I haven’t figured out a way to turn this on the lathe yet but when I do you’ll see a post here!
For the chickadees and nuthatches a turned bird feeder would be in order. I like the tree swallows and bluebirds eating up the mosquitoes so I’ll let them catch their own food.
So if you want to try something different than my regular turning projects then head on over to Joybilee farm and learn how to build a bluebird house. Remember to sign up for my newsletter to receive notification of new projects and business ideas as they are posted on my site.
This is the house for a chickadee or nuthatch. The hole is 1 1/4″ in the front and a bit deeper of a box. This one you prime with some wood shavings. Those were easy to collect under my lathe!
I would love to hear from you if you make a bluebird house or any other turning projects. You can sign up with the box on the right hand side of this page. Remember to turn or work with wood safely.