Credit cards are a fact of life. It used to be that only big chain stores offered credit. Now it is available to businesses of all sizes. Have you thought of offering credit card sales? It actually is quite easy and straight forward. Let’s take a look at credit cards and the small business. Credit …
Book Review “Born for This” by Chris Guillebeau
Have you ever been so engrossed in an activity that you lost track of time? Your work was so absorbing that the obstacles simply melted before you? This is when you have flow or you are in the zone. I most often feel this way when I am working at my lathe or preparing a …
Production Planning for the Woodturner
Well, it’s July. Time for us to think about Christmas. That’s right, Christmas in July. Those Christmas craft fairs can start in October or November and the Fall Fairs can start in August! This is the time to do a review of your inventory. What products do you have on hand? Which products sold well …
How to Sharpen Your Competitive Edge
When you sharpen your tools for woodturning you shape the tool to cut wood in a specific way. You may have two bowl gouges with slightly different grinds for two different purposes. How you respond to your customers may require you to sharpen your responses to maintain your competitive edge. I’ve had people come into …
5 Healthy Snacks for Shows and Events
When doing a Christmas Craft fair, event, or other type of show, the last thing you are likely thinking about is healthy snacks and food. You worry about products, price points, and booth set up. But, why would you think about food? While many shows and events offer a basic concession stand, the food …
Book Review “The Productivity Project” by Chris Bailey
Well there certainly are these tasks in my life that ruin my productivity. How about yours? You know the ones that are there to be done and you don’t want to do them. These are the projects that make taking out the trash and doing the dishes seem like Disneyland. Okay I’m joking on that …
Book Review “The Productivity Project” by Chris BaileyRead More
Cash Box – 5 Tips on Handling Cash
How to play it safe with cash. Handling a cash box at a trade show, farmers’ market, or craft fair is a fairly straight forward idea. You have cash so that you can make change with people buying your products. Follow these 5 tips and keeping your cash and making change will be easy. 1. …
How to Build Your Inventory
When moving from hobby to business one of the hurdles is having enough inventory. Each of us has projects that we find pleasure in turning. However, these products may not be the ones that our customers like. That is the challenge of the artisan; how to express the artistry and beauty of your work and …
Trade Show Checklist
Trade Show – Checklist I just got back from a trade show in Vancouver. I wasn’t selling my turnings nor was I in charge of the booth. I was helping out. I realized that there are so many things to bring when you are at an event, trying to sell your products, or just give …